The Female Performance Plan

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I stepped on the scales the other day just out of interest - my weight since starting the programme has remained the exact same which I thought was so funny as now I’m eating 2400+ calories a day!!! I feel stronger than ever and my strength gains keep coming! Emma

I’ve really tried to be ‘nicer’ to myself about food - not saying things like I’m being good so can’t have that etc. I’ve chosen not to have cake/biscuit or whatever in certain situations and I’ve just said ‘no thanks’, but have allowed myself to have cake in other situations and not felt bad for it.

I’m definitely being more mindful of what I’m eating & not just snacking for snacking sake! Claire S

My period started bang on day 29! This surprised me since my menstrual cycle post-surgery has been all over the place. My previous cycle was 75 days so I find this return to regularity an encouraging sign of an adequate and sustainable meal plan. Lisa B

Training has been awesome! I find I am able to break through that wall I had just a few weeks ago. I'm able to continue working in a higher level of intensity. I feel stronger and more determined than ever with training. Kath C

Feeling good in the days before my period came. No major cravings and my mood was stable! Ella M

This week I have noticed huge changes in my performance. A 10K run PB & lots of heavy lifts feeling as light as feather. Jade S

Bench press PR, clean and jerk PR, snatch PR... personal bests in all my lifts! Emma H

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